“Due to our broad portfolio of services for retail companies, we need highly qualified employees. Schloemmer & Partner KG has been supporting us in the development and implementation of a skills management and performance management system since 2017. A high level of practical orientation and an excellent price-performance ratio have impressed us time and again over the years of successful cooperation. The Leadership Tooboxes from Schloemmer & Partner’s E-learning Academy provide our managers with practical working materials and enable them to develop flexibly and individually.
This form of blended learning in particular, which includes coaching, enables a demonstrably better transfer into practice.”

“Promoting the personal development of managers and high-potential employees is a core element of the Frauenthal Group’s strategic HR activities. Schloemmer und Partner offers efficient instruments for this purpose, which are used effectively in conjunction with profound practical experience. In the Frauenthal Group, the use of the “Reiss Profile” is a good example of this: thanks to the excellent support provided by Schloemmer und Partner, this instrument makes a valuable contribution to differentiated self-reflection.”

Throughout our long-standing cooperation, Sonja Schloemmer has accompanied us time and again as a sparring partner on HR strategic issues. Together we drafted an initial plan for a new global salary model to replace our previous model, developed our succession planning on the basis of a position-specific performance profile, and defined NPO-relevant key indicators in education controlling. We also commissioned Sonja Schloemmer to certify the internal HR processes, taking into account the cooperation with local HR managers.
Her consulting approach is characterized above all by the very open and trusting discussions we have had and the structured development of solution-oriented optimizations.

“Thanks to the newly acquired skills in leadership training, I feel more self-confident and more self-reflective in my new Team Lead role. Some of the findings were real eye-openers. I started implementing what I had learned immediately after the course ended. I can recommend the training to anyone who is looking for new impulses in the area of leadership and wants to strengthen team collaboration and leadership.
My follow-up discussion on the Reiss Motivation Profile © with Sonja Schloemmer reinforced many of my previous beliefs – but more importantly it also inspired me to take on new perspectives. I was able to better reflect on myself and my inner motivation and better explain the background to some of my areas of tension. This ranges from professional issues to the personal sphere, such as values from education, leisure activities as a balance to the job, and much more. I’m looking forward to incorporating the new impulses into my everyday life from now on and letting them continue to resonate…!

“Ms. Schloemmer gets to the heart of leadership issues in a very professional and practical way and the measures she developed were easy for me to implement. Ms. Schloemmer’s many years of management experience provide answers to individual questions. I particularly benefited from the innovative methods and approaches for day-to-day management. For me as a junior manager, this allowed me to reflect on my own leadership attitude and, thanks to the checklists and guidelines, to make enormous efficiency gains in a dynamic, growing organization.”

“For years, a department with over 20 employees was managed in a patriarchal manner. The manager is retiring this year. Ms. Schloemmer has therefore spent several years preparing and supporting employees for and during the change process. After creating a Reiss Motivation Profile© for each new manager, we also introduced an intermediate level around the new management and provided each with their own managers. A great deal of empathy and sustainability was required to motivate the employees for the new tasks, filled with new-found and freshly recharged self-confidence. Grosso Modo can reduce the number of employees through natural departures.
We are looking to the future with confidence, and not just for this department!
GrECo, matter of trust.”

Schloemmer& Partner has been supporting us in the development of our competence and personnel management since 2009. Thanks to your audits during the personnel selection process, we have succeeded in significantly improving the accuracy of our recruitment. Your external opinion is an important decision-making criterion in almost every recruitment process at W.E.B.
Schloemmer& Partner also supports us as a coach.

Sonja Schloemmer’s many years of HR and consulting expertise ensured the development of practical documents for the redesign of our employee appraisals. In the field of executive coaching, Sonja Schloemmer scores with methodical competence and refreshing pragmatism.

Sonja has challenged and supported our entire LP Experts team in organizational development as well as me personally in management coaching. I am delighted with her input and the development steps she has encouraged us to take. Last but not least, Sonja has been a competent contact person for me ever since, who is happy to provide advice and support.

“We had an in-house training course on skills management and recruiting with Sonja Schloemmer. My team and I were thrilled – and although we had to deal with the topic on a daily basis, we were still able to take away new input.

We have been successfully offering management seminars and seminars for HR professionals with Ms. Schloemmer as our trainer since 2004. The seminar evaluations are consistently excellent, especially the quality of the documents and the practical orientation are far above the usual training average. A service partner at eye level, with whom we were able to agree many win-win situations.

“Ongoing professional training and development of our employees is THE most important asset of our practice. Thanks to an individually tailored training plan, we have been able to open up numerous other specialist areas in recent years, implement additional services and continue to grow. Schloemmer und Partner provided us with perfect support in terms of personal development, strengthening team spirit and improving resilience using the Reiss Motivation Profile.”

“Sonja Schloemmer is an extremely competent, performance-oriented and goal-oriented person. The collaboration with her was always productive, efficient and team-oriented.”

“Following the establishment of our shared service center for accounting, in which we brought together around 400 accounting employees from the various Group companies into one organizational unit, it was necessary to get the management team on board with the new objectives and framework conditions. In team-building workshops lasting several days, Sonja Schlömmer responded precisely to our requirements and, with her help, was able to quickly create a team whose members treat each other with appreciation and respect, with an open and solution-oriented attitude.”

Through team development together with Schloemmer & Partner, we were able to further improve cooperation with our internal interfaces and further expand our success as a sales team.
The rice profile in particular enabled each and every one of us to question and work on our own values, attitudes and opinions. The personal reflection cards and jointly agreed measures facilitated successful implementation.
The experience-oriented learning content of the team development was perfectly aligned with the content of our daily challenges, created a humorous atmosphere and was reflected excellently. The important values for the team members were visualized in a very practical way and underline the importance of the human component for our sales success. The daily commitment to this gives us valuable orientation in our management and our appreciative cooperation.

‘Rarely have I had the feeling of being in such good hands in a seminar. The mixture of elements of self-reflection, group and pair discussions with constructive preparation and debriefing, helpful checklists for the real challenges as a new manager and the Styrian charm of Sonja Schloemmer made this seminar a real added value for me’.

Our joint work began in 2004 with the establishment of a management development program based on the Schloemmer& Partner competency model. Highest practical orientation, professionally coordinated trainers and our training controlling ensure the transfer of learning. Together, we have successfully implemented a special program for burnout prevention and train-the-trainer training. All tools can be used in day-to-day business in the branches.

As a non-profit company, we had to reorganize our strategic HR management in order to be able to operate optimally in the competition for limited resources. The competency profile for elderly care and nursing services and the structure of employee appraisals were developed together with Schloemmer & Partner and have been used successfully since 2008.

“The seminar “Strategic Competence Management” with Ms. Sonja Schlömmer from the seminar series “Competence and Talent Management” offers great support for us HR professionals. With concrete tools, such as the comprehensive competence card set, many other proven methods and incorruptible key figures, the integration of personnel development processes in the company appears to be very simple. Key success factors from the company’s own environment can be discussed discreetly but directly and immediately – an important addition on the way to structured and excellent personnel development!”

“Sonja Schloemmer has been very successfully supporting the personnel selection process as an external service provider for WEB Windenergie AG for years.”

“Ms. Schloemmer has been supporting our company since 2013 with the creation of competence profiles for second-level managers, both in the recruiting process and for the evaluation of people already working for us. We were given decision-making aids that proved to be excellent. In addition, training courses on all aspects of employee management were carried out very successfully and with very good feedback from the participants.

” Sonja is a very experienced consultant with creativity and a strong power to get things done.”

“Sonja is an excellent leader in complex environments. She is able to make tough decisions and execute them as required. Sonja’s very end product oriented working style leads to excellent results. It was a pleasure to work with her. (at Telekom Austria Group)
Germany, September 2014

As a cooperation partner and supplier, we were able to outsource the entire personnel development process and concentrate on our core business. Our team has been systematically trained, coached and certified since 2003. All measures are evaluated on the basis of an included education controlling system.
Guntramsdorf, May. 2011

“The management training courses from Schloemmer & Partner have sustainably improved the achievement of my team’s goals. For me personally, Ms. Schloemmer was an excellent sparring partner on my career path – honest and encouraging.

Schloemmer&Partner has been supporting us since 2003 in setting up our internal Management Academy as a success-oriented service partner. All HR activities were jointly aligned with the company’s strategic goals and implemented by Schloemmer & Partner. The implementation was evaluated using 360-degree feedback. Through coaching, we were able to demonstrably reduce the risk of burnout.

“I was very pleased by having an opportunity to work closely with Sonja during my Vice President CEE position in T-Systems. She proved to be professional, a knowledgable advisor and analyst to support me in finding the best people for high level management positions within my CEE region.
Furthermore I could recommend her 360 degree feedback analysis to get a feedback about existing management teams which were essential for final decisions.