Young Leader Program 3 days

The first 100 days as a leader as a guidepost for the future

Rise in the hierarchy of a company brings more prestige, more money and more responsibility. For the first time you are responsible for other people, not only need to reconcile your own goals with the company goals, but also those of the employees.

More responsibility brings additional tasks, more complex projects and makes more effective and efficient work necessary. In addition to the already sufficient juggling balls of your daily work, there are still some cones added. Keeping them all in the air is your job. It is important to organize, to correctly classify the employees, to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and to develop them all – including themselves.

Now you want to bring the already familiar theoretical concepts such as delegation, coaching, staff admission, recognition and criticism as well as motivation in your own personal way to practical use. If you take enough time, you will succeed.

In the three seminar days, you will find access to your personal situational style of leadership. You will work out ways in which you can make best use of management tools in your company and how you can communicate with employees, peers and supervisors.

Program in detail – young leader

Leadership needs style

During the three days of the seminar, you will shed light on your new situation as a leader and gain access to find your personal style of leadership. You develop ways in which you can make best use of management tools in your company and how you can communicate with employees, peers and supervisors.

Your benefit:

  • Learn how to handle the different roles as a leader and bring your personality into your leadership role.
  • You set clear goals, delegate properly and create opportunities for your employees to perform well.
  • They recognize the right motivators to build shared visions.
  • Draw up a personal to-do list based on a catalog of measures and reflection cards to plan and implement your next steps.

Single day seminars or 2 times 2 units (online) coaching

Supportive Leadership 1 day

Developing employees constantly
Reflection own behavior and values
Confidence and Trust versus Mistrust
Personal leadership values
Benefits of supportive leadership
Supportive critical feedback
Enabling development and new experiences
16 Basic desires of human beings

Performance Management 1 day

Goal setting as an interactive process
Increasing motivation in the team
Avoiding conflicts and tips for communicating goals
Setting qualitative goals that are measurable
Process and benefits for leaders and employees
How to set effective objectives
Communication critical feedback in a motivating way
Integrating feedback loops
Preparing personal performance appraisals for all employees
Communicationg team goals and pitfalls

Delegation 1 day

Obstacles against delegation
Self-reflection on your own behavior
Increasing delegation in practice step by step
Motivating ways of controll
Delegation as a leadership task
Delegation as a development task
Checklists on “how to delegate”
Steps of successful delegation and empowerment
How to avoid backward delegation

Reiss Motivation Profile© for Teams and for individuals
in english.

Throughout our long-standing cooperation, Sonja Schloemmer has accompanied us time and again as a sparring partner on HR strategic issues. Together we drafted an initial plan for a new global salary model to replace our previous model, developed our succession planning on the basis of a position-specific performance profile, and defined NPO-relevant key indicators in education controlling. We also commissioned Sonja Schloemmer to certify the internal HR processes, taking into account the cooperation with local HR managers.

Her consulting approach is characterized above all by the very open and trusting discussions we have had and the structured development of solution-oriented optimizations.

During our many years of working together, Sonja Schloemmer has repeatedly supported us as a sparring partner on HR strategy issues. Together, we were able to design the introduction of a new and global salary model to replace our previous remuneration scheme, develop our succession planning on the basis of a position-specific performance profile and define NPO-relevant key figures in education controlling. We also commissioned Sonja Schloemmer to certify the internal HR processes, taking into account cooperation with local HR managers.

Her consulting approach is characterized above all by very open and trusting discussions and the structured development of optimizations to find solutions.

We have been successfully offering management seminars and seminars for HR professionals with Ms. Schloemmer as our trainer since 2004. The seminar evaluations are consistently excellent, especially the quality of the documents and the practical orientation are far above the usual training average. A service partner at eye level, with whom we were able to agree many win-win situations.